Eric And Christopher Result In Poverty

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Eric and Christopher both result in poverty due to a death in their families. For instance, Eric’s father had an illness that he contracted while growing up in Georgia. His father was taking care of Eric while his mother, Vicky was being treated at a hospital. His mother suffered from clinical depression and seizures. A short period of time after Vicky was released from the hospital, Eric’s father passed away due to the illness he had contracted(13). This leaves Vicky in a tough situation. Since Vicky had no money or job, she had no other choice but to move to a shelter home(14) If Eric’s father were still alive, then he would not have been in a shelter. Compared to Eric, Christopher’s mom died. His mother had plenty of lovers. One of her …show more content…

For instance, Eric only had his mother as a parent figure. This was hard for his mother because she was already suffering from depression and seizures(13) If her husband would not have died, then maybe she would have had better treatment for her illness. Like Eric, Christopher was left with only his father as a parent figure. This was also hard for his father because he was emotionally broken because of his wife’s death(52) If his fathers wife would not have died, then maybe his father would have been more stable. Both Eric and Christopher were left with only one parent figure. This was interesting because, both lead on to bad lives perhaps because they only had one parent figure and it is said to be harder to control a child when only one parent figure is …show more content…

For instance, Eric had broken into Vicky’s home with his friends while she was not home(40). It even got to a point where Vicky's neighbors had to call the police because of Eric breaking in. This caused Vicky to get evicted from home(42). Compared to Eric, Christopher had stole cars and stripped them. This caused him to be in juvenile detention(60). Christopher also got sent to jail for attempted murder. Him and three other guys grabbed a random boy and threw him onto train tracks(61). Both Eric and Christopher committed crimes with friends. It seems as if their friends may have played a role in influencing