Hello readers, my book for this blog is Took by Mary Downing Hahn. This book is a mystery of the old cabin in the woods where Old Auntie lives. I am going to talk about the resolution of how Daniel will save Erica from Old Auntie. In the beginning, Daniel needed to find away to get Erica back home from Old Auntie. So he thought that Ms. Perkins( Old Auntie's niece) would have a way to help him get his little sister back. When he told her what happened to Erica, she had an idea right away! She told him that he had to take Erica's doll with him but it had to stay in a bag that Ms. Perkins put the doll in. He couldn't open the bag or it would ruin the whole thing. Then, she said that Daniel has to knock on the door and say his three riddles. Auntie should not be able to answer the last riddle so she'll open the door to let Daniel in and get the answer to the riddle. Ms. Perkins did a trick on Old Auntie so she wouldn't recognize who Daniel was because Old Auntie didn't like him and she'd never let him in if she knew who he was. But after Old Auntie let him in, he gave her the bag and out came a girl. The doll had turn into a living thing and now was Old Auntie's …show more content…
She couldn't remember anything except living with and serving Old Auntie. Erica was scared to leave but Daniel had to take her back home. Afterwards, Old Auntie realized that he took Erica and she wasn't happy. She sent her deadly hog, Bloody Bones, to chase after the both of them and kill them. Daniel was caught by the deadly hog but then realized that Erica was throwing rocks at it and killed the hog. Old Auntie was not happy and she was very mad and set her house on fire and she died in the fire. Daniel and Erica ran back home even through Erica wasn't happy that her auntie died. But they made it home and they were safe now. At first, their Mom and dad didn't recognize Erica until the next