
Eric Schwitzgebel's Definition Of A True Jerk

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People all have their different views on what a true jerk is. The common perception of a jerk is a real obnoxious person. This is the type of person who cuts in line to use the bathroom, takes up two parking spots, and takes out his bad mood on his partner, and just glares at his neighbor when passing cross. This is Dale’s way of everyday life, and supported by the following article and reading, will consider him to fall under the category of a true jerk and whose morals considered to be unjust. In Eric Schwitzgebel article, “How to tell if you’re a jerk” , he straight away defines a jerk to have a high moral, sometimes moderate opinion of themselves. They are people “who culpably fail to appreciate the perspectives of the people around them, treating others as tools to be manipulated or fools to be dealt with, rather than as moral and epistemic peers.” (Schwizgebel). In this case, Dale is a jerk due to his level of jerkitude. This follows Schwitzgebel overall claim that being a jerk comes with an ignorance of knowing …show more content…

His view is that it is justice to obey rulers, thinking that something unjust would be because a commander commanded it. In order to be jerk, and unjust, one must break the laws which a commander has commanded. Dale breaks the laws of society by parking in two parking spaces, cutting in line, and verbally and mentally abusing his partner and neighbor. He's breaking the law of common morality, making his way of life unjust. Once more, Dale blindly being ignorant towards others views. If these boundaries were not set, this would be a normal act. Thrasymachus definition of justice links up with the law of society that one should be just and respectful, but Dale is the one breaking it. As mentioned before by Schwitzgebel, Dale sees the world through goggles, dimming others humanity, breaking the law which one commanded, making him

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