Why Nice Guys Finish Last Analysis

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The cliché term ‘nice guys finish last’ has been used a lot during the height of my generation. However, it has been used in different ways to express different feelings in different situations. In Julia Serano’s article, “Why Nice Guys Finish Last,” people are divided into two broad categories: nice guys and assholes. “‘Assholes’ are men who fulfill the men-as-sexual-aggressors stereotype; ‘nice guys’ are the one who refuse or eschew it” (Serano 418). She further describes the nice guys as virgins and assholes as whores. That is a general start to classifying a person, but it does not encompass the whole picture. There are also other binaries that Serano mentions in her article, such as the predator and the prey. It has been said that …show more content…

When a nice guy meets his high school or college sweetheart, they tend to stay committed to a long-term relationship. So, in this outlying case, the nice guy does not finish last. This is because of a new study published by LiveScience that observed that “women reported men as being more attractive when the guys were paired with a scenario showing them doing something kind, generous or heroic, compared to men who were notable for their physical appeal” (“Nice Guys Don't Actually Finish Last, According to New Study”). When put in trying situations where men are tested and women are observing, they almost always choose the nice guy because of their fear of being judged.
Human social characteristics, specifically those of the nice guys, can be directly linked to those found in certain types of animals, such as chimpanzees. Researchers have found in a study that chimpanzees “apparently can display selfless tendencies, revealing one more key way our closest living relatives are like humans” (“Like Humans, Chimps Show Selfless Behaviors”). If humans just learn to get along and act like chimpanzees all the time, this need for the divide between nice guys and assholes would not