
Escape The Fire Analysis

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Through the course of watching the film, Escape the Fire, I certainly learned a decent amount about the healthcare system in this country. This film did discuss a few of the major concerns and problems about the United State healthcare system, and there were a few in particular that stood out to me. One of these concepts that are profound to me is how doctors are being paid for the number of patients they have walking in and out of their office, rather than the quality of care given to each and every patient. In my mind, I would think that your health is such an important aspect of your life and you should be able to trust that your doctor is giving you 100 percent; especially since doctor visits can be on the expensive side. In the film, …show more content…

Doctors can spend only a certain amount of short minutes with each of their patients so they are able to meet their quota of the day, which is regulated by the government. Due to the fact that the government sets these unruly regulations for our primary care doctors to obtain, patients can begin to adopt unhealthy lifestyle changes. Adopting unhealthy lifestyle changes can either mean that they have poor eating habits or do not fully understand the severity of certain …show more content…

In other words, inside of paying a fair amount on educated the people, the government is paying more money dealing with the outcomes. A man that is shown in the film is a good demonstration of all these concepts dealing with primary care into one person. He is struggling with heart disease and has had a heart attack, and is asked his diet by the doctor in the hospital to see if his lifestyle is resulting in such a bad heart condition. The patient goes on to explain how he has been eating high fat foods that can contribute to heart attacks, and the patient does not see the problem with his eating habits. This man lacks the education on heart disease and a nutritional diet, which could have been prevented if given proper primary care by his doctor. Instead this man and the government are spending thousands of dollars on hospital visits after each one of his heart attacks. He is also unaware that even after multiple heart attacks, he is able to reverse the effects of his heart disease by changing his diet. This is a crazy concept to me, that this man does not know his disease can be reversed and he was not given the proper primary care that could have preventing his health problems. This lack of primary care he received could be from either a lack of it from his doctor or he was unable to afford it,

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