Analysis Of Working Fire The Making Of A Fireman, By Zac Unger

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Throughout Zac Unger’s memoir Working Fire the Making of a Fireman he struggles to find a place within the fire station and among coworkers. Unlike many of the fellow recruits who spent years preparing to become a firefighter, Unger an Ivy League grad simply responded to a bus stop ad. After realizing that most recruits were either former military, tradesmen or other firefighter’s kids Unger “Mostly I just stayed quite, tried to down play my existence. I figured if I could just make it through the academy without being called out as a fraud, I’d end up a firefighter like the rest of them”(Unger, 22-23). This distinction between Unger and the rest of the recruits was seen as something to be ashamed of, something to hide away. When compared to

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