In this research paper will describe what is needed to be a firefighter. The
Operating vehicles. Part of the fire detail to superiors, subordinates, or interagency dispatch center, using two-way radios.An other thing do in the job Evaluate size, location, and condition of forest fires. a serve as a working leader of an engine, hand, helicopter, or prescribed fire crew of three or more firefighters. The knowledge you need for being a firefighter. should know public safety. It would help if know human resources and customer service. will need the training to become a firefighter. It would be good to have knowledge of laws and the government. Here is detail, including the skills of a firefighter. will need the basic skill of tracking of
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The jod will have collaborated with other firefighters as a member of a crew. And also, people will have to know how to use the tools. Also you will have known the and how to operate equipment. He or shewill have to do rescue, fire victims, and administer emergency medical aid to people. The personality you need as a firefighter. The jod will need to be dependable. It will need to be a leader so it will help to be about to have leadership personality. It would be need cooperate with your crew.
The work ativities for a firefighter included. It will be needed to perform general physical activities. It would help to know to do Operating vehicles, and mechanized devices. The job will need to know to do handling and moving objects. The work environment for a firefighter is included. About 327,300 jobs in 2016.and the local government, held 90% of firefighter job. The federal government, held 3% in 2016. It about is held by 7%. The job will require to be responsible and being obligations. Firefighters will have to work more than 40 hours per week. And sometimes firefighter will not eat, and sleep for some days at a
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I will need to be dependable. I will need to be a leader so it will help to be about to have leadership personality. It would be need cooperate with your crew. The Work Activities for a firefighter included. It will be needed to perform general physical activities. It would help to know to do Operating vehicles, and mechanized devices. I will need to know to do Handling and moving objects. The work environment for a firefighter is included. About 327,300 jobs in 2016.and the local government, held 90% of firefighter job. The federal government, held 3% in 2016. It about is held by 7%. The job will require to be responsible and being obligations. Firefighters will have to work more than 40 hours per week. And sometimes firefighter will not eat, and sleep for some days at a time. The technology for a firefighter is included. One of the technology for a firefighter is scientific software so they know what type of fire it is. And other software that a firefighter crew has a database user interface and query software. A firefight crew needs a office suite