Essay About Individualism

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No human being is culture free. We all are products of the many different cultures that exist in this world. All across the world, there are so many different cultures. The way we live around every day is somehow shaped by our societies and cultures. The society and culture influence our lives each day. Culture plays a huge factor in shaping our identities. Our beliefs, values, morals and worldview are made up by our culture and remain throughout our entire life.
In this paper I want to explain about how my background country affecting me in shaping my identity. Indonesia’s is the country that I was born from. Many have said that your country is your culture. In this paper I want to show that there’s a big chance that your personal culture …show more content…

I am an individualist. Being an individualist is often seen as a bad thing in Indonesia. Most of Indonesian people see an individualist as a selfish person who only cares about themselves. I don’t agree about this. For me, being an individualist means you can take care of your own and be independent. The way I was brought up by my parents is that you should be able to take care of yourself (this includes all of your baggage). The fact that since junior high I’ve been living separately from my parents somehow shaped me to become and independent person. My parents, they live in Sumbawa whereas me and my brother we live in Surabaya for our education. I think this is the main reason that shaped me becoming an individualist. Seeing that I don’t live with my parents, this condition forces me to become more independent and to always take care of my own. More over if I have a problem I would always try and solve it by myself before going to my parents. Being an Individualist often makes people see me as a lonely person. It’s not that I am really lonely, it’s just I enjoy being alone. For example, I often go to mall or restaurant alone and I feel fine about it, but the way my friends see me it is like I am a weird person. Because I spent the last 7 years living in Surabaya with only my brother, it taught me to be able to take care of my own. And this becomes a habit that makes me totally fine of being