Short Essay On Flying Kites

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Flying kites is a popular thing to do all over the world. A kite is a device that flies through the air at the end of a string. It may be huge or tiny, lightweight or heavy, simple or ornate. Kites are flown in competitive sports, for military or scientific purposes, and as a relaxing hobby or pastime. Kites are named after the kite bird, a graceful hawk. Types of Kites  As anyone knows who has flown them, there are many kinds of kites. Most kites are simple wooden frames covered with paper or cloth and attached to a long string held in the hand. Among the best-known types of kites are plane surface kites—such as the two-sticker (Malay) and three-sticker (hexagonal); however, there are also non-plane surface kites of great popularity, such as box kites. Those with only one flat surface must have tails hanging from the bottom edge to keep their balance. Tails are effective at maintaining balance because of their resistance to air. …show more content…

An airplane creates its own wind by its speed through the air. On a calm day, running with a kite in an open space produces the same effect. The kite rises because currents of air, moving parallel to the ground, strike the face of the kite and force it backward. The best wind for kite flying is a constant breeze with a speed of about 13 to 32 kilometers per hour. Less wind makes it difficult to make the kite rise. Stronger winds may force the kite down to the ground before it has a chance to rise to a safe height. The string holds the kite steady, with the face of the kite learned forward, and the wind pushes up on the leaned face to lift the kite, much as a wedge pushed under an object lifts it. If the kite were not held by the kite string, the kite would be pushed away and would fall to the ground. The kite rises also because of a reduction in pressure on the upper surface known as the Bernoulli

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