Dialectical Journal For The Kite Runner

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Sometimes You feel a bottomless pit in your stomach. The misery turns you to Swiss cheese, with holes all over you. This feeling sometime lasts for a few minutes. Sometimes It lasts for years The “Kite Runner” was written by Khaled Hosseini. We get to know a lot about Amir, a young boy, and his father, Baba Throughout the story we see Baba’s gradual change in character, turning from the cold distant father he was to the loving and caring father Amir wanted him to be. Baba fills the hole inside himself that was dug by guilt in Afghanistan by learning to move on from his sins and build a relationship with his son in America. The loss of his wife, Sofia Akrami, created the hole. After her death and Amir’s birth, he felt such despair that he had an affair with his best friend, Ali’s, wife. This only created more guilt, as he impregnated her with Hassan. He did not allow Hassan to live in his house, but still never forgot his birthdays and paid for his cleft lip surgery. Though as the years went on, he was more cold to Amir, seeming distant from him and actively stating his disappointment in him. He went as far as to say “I wasn’t like that, I wasn’t like that at all, and neither were any of the kids I grew up with” and he notes that “There’s something …show more content…

He slowly begins to build a relationship with his son as he fills his hole, and accept death. While it is hard for Baba to adjust to his new lifestyle, Amir hold his hand all the way through it. The two butt heads on topics such as cancer, Baba refused treatment, saying “No chemo medication for me” (pg 156) his reasoning for refusing was because the doctor, Dr Schneider, was “A Roissi”. Despite Amir pointing out “Dr Schneider's Fled from Shorawi, don’t you see? They escaped!” (pg 155). They also butt heads on College, as Baba criticizes Amir’s choice to major in