
Essay About Legalizing Immigration

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Immigration has been a very hot topic in the U.S for long time. Most people come to this country to find preferable opportunities, to have a shot at becoming something significant in life, but few people do it legally. There’re about 12 million immigrants in the U.S and only one million are legal (“5 facts”). While one opinion considers forced deportation of all illegal immigrants as a solution to the problem, the best option is to legalize all undocumented immigrants for the better of our country.

Legalizing immigrants does and would benefit the U.S significantly and one way would be economically. No one should ignore that the United States is permanently in need of labor force. Therefore if we legalize Immigration, ¨with more than enough labor force, businesses can increase production and reach their targeted sales... If businesses are booming, it is also good for the economy¨ (¨10 Critical¨). In addition to helping labor forces, they could help the economy by paying taxes. They have jobs in restaurants and home care but since they are undocumented they are able “to compensate the government, one way of the other” (“10 Critical”). Hence if they were …show more content…

They state that it“ is as easy as one, two, three… one, go to where you know aliens are; two, arrest them; three, deport them. Don’t bother asking where aliens hang out.” (“Top 10”). Yes it is as those 3 steps stated above but that doesn’t not mean it would be easy for there are consequences. Many undocumented immigrants have kids, about 4.3 million kids, birthright citizens (Bump). If we were to deport them, many children would have to go with their parents but with their birthright citizenship it would be easy for the government, it would bring chaos in families, the streets and children. Moreover the government would have to pay the expenses of deportation which the U.S cannot afford at the

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