Essay About Power In Othello

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Emotions take control over our actions. In the play, Othello, by William Shakespeare, emotions have an overcoming power over the characters ' behaviours. Set in Cyprus, the tragedy Othello is revolved around Iago, a character who is determined to achieve power through the use of manipulation and deception, targeting powerful figures such as the protagonist, Othello, his lieutenant, Cassio, and a rich soldier, Roderigo. Throughout the play, the actions committed by characters consumed by self-loathing are greatly amplified. Othello illustrates how jealousy forces the characters to go to greater lengths than one normally would to satisfy their desire for vengeance. The play also showcases how they are consumed by the despair revolved around their misery. The issues of power are affected by how powerless we are against strong emotions. Shakespeare exaggerates how greatly our feelings have the power to move us. Love is an emotion of affection beyond reason and …show more content…

It is self-evident that there is an issue of power in Othello and in modern day society; the most indisputable one being the emotions beyond reasons and their power over us. It is a non-societal power, yet it is the catalyst for our behaviour. Shakespeare exaggerates the means of power in our emotions and the response we have to it, such as confounding them with love. Throughout the play, the actions committed by characters consumed by self-loathing are greatly amplified. Othello illustrates how jealousy forces the characters to go to greater lengths than one normally would to satisfy their desire for vengeance. The play also showcases how they are consumed by the despair revolved around their misery. The issues of power are affected by how powerless we are against strong emotions. Shakespeare exaggerates how greatly our feelings have the power to move us. Love is an emotion of affection beyond reason and causes people to be moved to do things the characters are moved by the feelings they confuse for