Essay About Rottweiler

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Rottweiler: Jobs through time

Back in the days of the roman empire in Rottweil, Germany where one dog breed was being made, the Rottweilers like all dogs came from wolves and still are evolving and new breeds are being created. Dogs were domesticated in 2000 BC and have been in human life ever since they are used for lots of jobs in lots of different jobs around the world. Rottweilers have changed their jobs from the last 200 years they used to hunt bears and pull carts but now are used for show and tracking. Most have the job of protecting families and helping other people.

Dating back to 73 AD Rottweilers have been helping out humans. They started out a small town in Germany named Rottweil/; in fact, the name Rottweiler otherwise known as Rott-veil-er. (Johnson). They were first used in the Roman army as camp dog .(Johnson). When they banned cattle ranching, they resorted to using Rottweilers to pulling carts for butchers. That is where the got the nickname butcher dogs; they had a great body for most physical task with large chests and big muscles (“Dog Encyclopedia”) Rottweilers like all dogs came from wolves and are in the mammal family. They were domesticated in 2000 BC and have been in human life ever since they are used for …show more content…

They are also effective because of the stereotypical nature of being aggressive.(Johnson). Others are used in competition like tracking and frisbee catching because they were bred to be good at Control, Tracking, and Protection. It is healthy for Rottweilers to have a job to do. (“Rottweiler Training”).Rottweilers are good at frisbee tracking protection, and weight training because of the active lifestyle and athletic ability. (Johnson). There are competitions, dogs can participate in and there are organizations that are only about Rottweilers games Rottweilers clubs one is called Rottweiler

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