Why We Shouldn T Pit Bulls Be Banned

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Should Pit Bulls Be Banned? Pit bulls are known for their aggressive behavior and how they act. Pit bulls act aggressively at a lot of different things. People think pit bulls should be banned because of how they act. Pit bulls should not be banned because it is bad ownership that makes them aggressive. To start with, pit bulls sometimes have bad owners and they treat pit bulls badly. The owners don’t get them trained correctly. The author states, “The ASPCA also notes chaining and tethering dogs outside, lack of obedience training, and selective protection or fighting are risk factors for dog attacks” (ProCon [14]). This shows that people lack training and treat pit bulls poorly. The dogs have not been properly trained and that is why they …show more content…

The text states, “BSL is ineffective because it treats the result (a dog bite) instead of the cause (bad animal owners)” (ProCon [13]). This explains that it is mostly bad owners that treat the dogs poorly. It gives good information on what really happened and why. In addition, pit bulls are used to dog fighting, which is why they are aggressive sometimes. The author states, “Dog fighting dates to at least 43CE, when Romans invaded Britain, and both sides brought fighting dogs to war” (ProCon [3] [4]). This shows how dogs were used back in 43 CE for war when the Romans invaded Britain. It gives a story of how the dogs were used and why they sometimes act aggressive. The dog's aggression has been matched with pit bulls since then. Dogs back then compared to today have been similar depending on how the pit bull acts. The owners used dogs to fight, mostly pit bulls. That is why they are targeted. The text states, “Dog fighting was legal in most US states until the 1860s, and it was not completely outlawed in all states until 1976” (ProCon [3] [4]). This shows that people used their dogs for fighting when it was still legal. Pit bulls were used to that and it created their aggressive behavior. Dog fights affect how pit bulls act and people still

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