Ears Popping When Swallowing Essay

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Ears Popping When Swallowing
Are your ears popping when swallowing? This may be an annoying problem, but it is usually not a serious one. Unless you have actually damaged your eardrums due to barotrauma, then ear popping may just be due to your body trying to relieve pressure in your ears when you swallow or yawn. You see, sometimes, there is a pressure difference between the outside of your ear drum and the eustachian tube inside. This phenomenon occurs when you are flying or climbing high altitudes or diving underwater.
Yawning, swallowing or chewing gum helps open the small canal (eustachian tube) that connects your middle ear in the inner side of the ear drum. This equalizes the pressure with the outer side and causes the sensation of ears popping when …show more content…

1. Something is inside the ear. Some earwax or a strand of hair may be lodged on top of your eardrum, so when it vibrates, you may hear funny noises or feel a popping sensation. Removal of impacted earwax or foreign object in the ear usually relieves the problem.
2. Eustachian tube dysfunction. Your eustachian tube, which connects the throat to the middle ear, is lined with moist mucosa. This surface may become inflamed and any movement in this area can cause popping noises. Treatment of eustachian tube dysfunction may involve use of steroid nasal sprays for about six weeks.
3. Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. A temporomandibular joint or jaw disorder can create noises that seem to come from the ears. Since the joints on either side are located in front of your ears, noises reverberate or "echo" and make it seem like your ears popping when swallowing.
4. Muscle spasm. Spasm of the muscles found within the inner ear (called the stapedius or the tensor tympani) can cause random "clicking" sounds that is not rhythmic. This muscle disorder is similar to eye twitching (blepharospasm), which is common to some people. Surgery may be necessary.

5. Secretory Otitis

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