Teachers’ response supporting the problems they noticed while teaching African American males to write mostly composed of the students feeling compelled to write as a chore. Many participants spoke of the students having a language barrier while few mentioned African American students do not struggle from a language barrier. However, there were a few that mentioned students using inappropriate measures such abbreviating words in their writing.
Supporting Statements
“If you look at our action plan out of the four, the first one for the past four years it's been students write everyday and have {the students} write something important every week. In Spanish we write something, you have to require writing as a part of the curriculum and grade it and make sure spelling punctuation is held accountable, that the details are made important to them over the course of a semester. {To help the students} really start to get it and to improve and take those things seriously. They will meet your
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The only thing I can see that might be different with teaching like Hispanic males as oppose to African American males you some of our Hispanic males grew up speaking and learning two languages and you can definitely tell that in their writing and in their reading. Sometimes, I think maybe some of them in elementary school were taught in Bi-lingual settings so you can definitely see remnants of that in their reading and their writing where as with African American males you’re obviously not going to see that because they did not grow up with that dual language in the home or in school. I would say that’s the only difference that makes African American males different or any other male different is the issue of language isn’t