Essay Comparing The Bible To The Game Of Thrones

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It seems odd that they would start reading Ezekiel 23, only to recite part of the scripture. In addition, I found it to be weird and surprising that they would compare the Bible to the Game of Thrones. Finally, I am disturbed when Science Mike found his favorite scripture, Judges 4:21. This issue with describing the Bible as Game of Thrones seems hurtful. However, the stories from the Old Testament contain graphic details about people dying in battle, children having sex with their parents, and God showing his wrath against the people. It would seem like a graphic Game of Thrones movie. I find it unimaginable that parents would teach the Noah story as a wonderful story, but leave out the reason why a rainbow appeared after the flood and why …show more content…

It is a great task to read the Bible, but interpreting the Bible and applying the message to our lives influences us to change our sinful ways and to understand what it means to be. God does not just speak to us from the Bible, but I think that God speaks in other ways from conversations with others to speaking in a whisper. Connecting it to the podcast, Peter knows a good response when people ask us about parts of the Bible they do not understand. In reality, no one can fully understand the Bible except God himself. Our interpretations cannot become the only truth; it leads people to fight and argue with each other about the Bible. For example, people in Jesus’ time had no clue about how they can love enemies when they suppose to seek revenge against injustice (Matthew 5:38-48). Therefore, Christians must pray to God, allow the Holy Spirit to speak, and listen to God when diving in deeper to God’s Word; the Bible is a sacred book that contains both inspirational and dangerous messages in the Christian faith. Moreover, this means that we must be cautious when interpreting the Bible, especially when they “whitewash” God’s meaning for the flood, genocide, and fire from Heaven to describe how God punish the Israelites for sinning. As a result, we could lead ourselves astray to