Comparing 11th Tableth In Epic Of Gilgamesh And Genesis From The Holy Bible

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The 11th Tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis from the Holy Bible are extremely similar. Both accounts involve the destruction of mankind by a higher power or powers. In the book of Genesis Noah is spared due the righteousness in him witnessed by the Lord. Utnapishtim however, was merely warned of the flood by EA. Differences between the two accounts are visible throughout the scriptures. References in the 11th tablet name multiple gods, where as in Genesis there is only one. This difference makes the two versions unique to their own area of origination. The Babylonian’s description of the great flood begins with a council amongst the gods in which Enil, the warrior god, decides to end all mankind for their wickedness. EA disobeyed Enil’s wishes of secrecy and forewarned Utnapishtim of the upcoming deluge. As in the book of Genesis, Utnapishtim is instructed to build a massive vessel to preserve the living creatures of the earth. Utnapishtim shares his concerns for the people of the city Shurippak. EA expresses that the townspeople are to be misled to believe that he, Utnapishtim, is the reason that Enil hates them with such passion. If the townsman help build the vessel needed, they will be rewarded with rains for their crops as well as an abundance of …show more content…

However, like in Genesis all life excluding the habitants of Utnapishtim’s vessel was destroyed. The period that the flood waters remained was also seven days—also a fraction compared to what Noah endured. Utnapishtim, like Noah, uses birds to scout for dry land. Unlike in Genesis, a raven is the final bird to find land. Enil was furious that anything survived his deluge, Unlike Noah’s god. Only after disputes from the other gods did Enil have a change of heart. Enil then entered Utnapishtim’s vessel and laid is hand upon their foreheads blessing Utnapishtim and his wife to become like himself—a