Essay Comparing Young Goodman Brown And Everyman

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Religious imagery,deities, and other aspects of religion are often used in many stories. Young Good Brown and Everyman are no exception. Both use religious aspects to aid the story in various ways. In both stories the main characters go on journeys, which they go on for a deity. Sin also plays a prominent role of the stories. Finally they both vastly change their attitudes about life by the end of the story due to religion. Young Goodman Brown and Everyman have various religious imagery and deities that further and develop the story. A journey can shape a character, make them experience new things and change their point of view and attitude. Both Young Goodman Brown and Everyman go on a journey for a religious deity of some sort. In religion, journeys often are searches for moral or spiritual significance of religion in their life. Young Goodman Brown went on a journey which led to his life of distrust of everyone due to his meeting with the devil. His communion with the devil and seeing everyone he knew there changed him for the worse. Brown's journey led him to find fault in everyone around him. Yet in a way …show more content…

Such is the case in Young Goodman Brown and Everyman. Both characters change their personalities vastly by the end of the story. Young Goodman Brown goes from being a young happy, faithful puritan who turns into a cold hearted man who does not trust anyone or believe they can be good. While Everyman goes from a greedy, hubris hedonist to a man who seeks genuine atonement for his sins and tries to make up for some of them. Their changes are opposites, one goes from good to bad and the other visa versa. Both characters are changed so much due to religion. Everyman changed in the face of God's wrath and the threat of hell. Young Goodman Brown changed because of his journey and communion with the devil. Their lives were both changed because of a deity, whether it be for better or