Essay Of Mice And Men Friendship

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Friends can be more useful than for just a company. They can be someone to talk too, like George and Lennie. They can even be of different species, for example Candy and his old dog. In the setting of “Of Mice and Men” it was not common to find two people traveling together. Like explained by the other characters that we meet in later in the book like Slim, Carlson and Curley’s wife, they are alone. “Of Mice and Men” has many good acts of friendship. One good example of this friendship is Lennie and George. They are more than just travel partners. Lennie relies of George, Lennie does not think before he acted. He is very impulsive and does what he feels. An example on pg. 3 of the book tell us this “ drank from the surface of the green …show more content…

Slim, Carlson and curley 's wife. They show how you need a friend that is willing to protect you. Slim and Carlson work on the farm and they work and travel alone. They don’t seem to really trust anyone. On pg. 39 Slim and George are talking about how they travel together. They talk about how it is normal for men to be alone when they are traveling. Slim also talks about how he thinks it is odd yet nice that they stick together like that. There is also Curley’s wife who is not aloud to have friends. She does not have someone to protect her. All she has is Curley. He does not trust her around other people and she hates it and most of all him. She is sad and lonely. She feels that she missed her opportunity to be an actress. Instead she is stuck with Curley all alone.
In the end friends always have each others back and are willing to do anything for each other. Like Lennie and George or Candy and his dog. There are also people who don’t have someone there to protect them like the other characters from the book. They don’t have close friends or really any for that matter. Which means that they have no one to trust. In the time of, “Of Mice and Men” it would have been really good to have a close friend to trust and have as