Essay On 21st Century Classroom

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As we can notice traditional classroom cannot longer satisfy the needs of education in the 21st- century. So we have to make radical changes in order to create the classroom that will motivate students to learn. Teachers today teach using different pedagogical approaches and various instructional methods. According to fact that our educational system is changed with the help of technology the 21st -century classroom should be a productive environment where students can develop the skills they will need in workplace. The modern 21st-century classrooms should encourage students to develop their high order thinking skills. The new classroom should be equipped with modern technology which will help students to meet new goals. The 21st-century classroom should be more centered on students. Teachers are expected to be facilitators of learning process instead of being mere providers of knowledge. We should pay attention to classrooms for young learners it should be a place where they feel cared and safe. It should be a great place to be, beautiful place and creative environment. Teachers have to use different pedagogical approaches. They should participate actively in their learning and to assist professional development. The …show more content…

It is one of the most effective forms of learning. Working in isolation is very restrictive and gives a slow progress. Critical thinking is also encouraged when learners work in groups. Through collaborative activities such as writing, debates, group projects and more they learn to work together and to respect each other contribution. The traditional relationship between student and teacher is changed with collaborative learning. We cannot exclude technology which helps to develop all these characteristic of the modern classroom. These classrooms help student to enhance their knowledge and to prepare themselves for higher