The 28th Amendment: The Fight For Reproductive Rights
As a woman in America who currently lives in a state where contraceptives and reproductive care are difficult to acquire, I believe the 28th Amendment should state what reproductive rights women have. The reason I am focusing on women is because men have very few birth control options, mainly being limited to abstinence, condoms and vasectomy.
The 28th Amendment would state: “Amendment XXVIII ensures the reproductive rights for all American woman be her choice and a private matter. This includes the right to choose contraceptives, access to a safe access to a legal abortion, and access to a reproductive care specialist. No doctor may deny a woman reproductive care, instead, they must
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All across America there are state-level restrictions on reproductive care that is restricting women’s access to safe methods of reproductive care. This issue has been proposed many times, and shot down many times, mainly due to a large amount of male politicians being in charge of the issue who are ill-informed on reproductive care and how it’s a necessity for many women. Women should be given a choice in the matter, as this is a private issue, not something that a boss or politician should have a part in.
Another reason we need reproductive rights is because many women are not being offered the care they need for biased and religious reasons against birth control, abortions, and other reproductive care. The issue of birth control and abortion has been a hot topic in religious communities for ages, dating back to the invention of the Pill in the 1960’s and earlier. Many religious groups, including the Roman Catholic Church believed artificial contraceptives and abortion to be sinful. A major roadblock for women’s reproductive rights has been religious beliefs, however, this seems to be