
Essay On A Grief Without A Pang Void And Drear

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Just like many other poets, Coleridge has a passion for nature and using it to help depict feelings and emotion. After reading some of the poems from the romantic period, I get the sense that the poets feel experiencing nature is connecting it within your life. A lot of the poems during this time have connection that can be tied feelings. Coleridge however, feels that this connection is separate. In the poem “Dejection: An Ode”, Coleridge states “A grief without a pang, void, and drear/ A stifled, drowsy, unimpassioned grief/ which finds no natural outlet, no relief” (21-23). From this quote we can see how depressed Coleridge is, maybe even get the impression he is angry because he doesn’t have anything to help release the pain he is feeling.
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