Inguinal Hernia Research Paper

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' hernia abdominal is the leakage of a viscus - or a part of it - from the abdominal cavity where it is normally contained. The herniation makes its way through a preformed orifice or an area of weakness in the cladding wall. Abdominal herniaAbdominal hernia is therefore the expression of a progressive weakening of the muscular and fascial walls, which under physiological conditions should keep the bowels in its proper place . abdominal hernias are called external because the viscera, slipping between the different structures that make up the abdominal wall, push outward becoming evident. In this sense, abdominal hernias are different from internal herniations (eg. Herniated disc , diaphragmatic hernia , herniated cervical ), where the movement …show more content…

It occurs mainly in individuals aged between 20 and 60 years; However, there are also the peaks between the elderly and children. This abdominal hernia variant mainly affects males: is it estimated that men are affected from 7 to 10 times more than women. The congenital inguinal hernia usually occurs during early childhood due to a lack of occlusion of the duct peritoneum vaginal, a canaliculus present in the fetal stage used for the migration of the testicle from its original location (the lumbar region, near the kidneys down) to the scrotum . the acquired inguinal hernia is an expression of a progressive weakening of the abdominal muscles in the vicinity of 'groin: the muscle scaffold failure is favored by overweight, age, type of heavy work, pregnancy , excessive stress or metabolic disorders (abnormalities of the collagen ). inguinal hernia may be painful or not: the extent of the pain increases if the herniation compresses an area rich in nerve …show more content…

Umbilical hernia The umbilical hernia is abdominal herniation that develops in correspondence with the umbilical scar. The umbilical hernia is typical of children, but it can also affect adults and the elderly. More often, the child's umbilical hernia is the result of a closing defect of the abdominal wall after the fall of the umbilical cord . However, some young patients are affected by this abdominal herniation due to disorders of collagen metabolism and polysaccharides , hypothyroidism congenital, Down syndrome or syndrome Fetal hydantoin ( medication used to treat epilepsy ). In adults, the ' umbilical hernia is caused by an increased pressure intra-abdominal, in turn induced ascites, cirrhosis , pregnancy, extreme efforts or malignancy. in the newborn , umbilical hernia tends to regress spontaneously within a few months, without necessarily intervene with surgery. In contrast, in adults, umbilical hernia is usually subjected to the intervention to minimize the risk of extremely dangerous complications (incarcerated hernia and strangulated hernia). Femoral

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