Essay On African American Equality

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Equality in the mid-1900s ran through many minority groups minds, from the LGBTQ community to the African American community. This led to African American’s beginning the Civil Rights Movement. With peaceful tactics to spread their voices, other groups such as: women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and the anti-war movement. Life after World War II spurred a greater push for equality. Once the Vietnam War began college students used the same tactics as the equality protestors. These movements/protests eventually impacted the nature of American life and society, within this time frame. Equality for African American’s have sought for since the Civil War; however, it was not until World War II that these ideas were recognized. Compared to America, the …show more content…

At first those who were apart of the LGBTQ community, and were open had unethical things happen to them. Homosexuality was considered “as an illness”; however, it was not until “1973 that the American Psychiatric Association removed” the classification . Life after World War II saw increased attempts for LGBTQ rights. Though few the attempts made were some of the first recorded to create “gay and lesbian relationships” . Those close to the Civil Rights Movement used the same tactics and sources for the LGBTQ movement. One of “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s closet advisors”, Bayard Rustin was advocated for gay rights, due to his own homosexuality, which was only known “in private circles” . Hiding one’s sexuality was common during this time frame, due to seeing homosexuality as an illness. Until recently the LGBTQ community have finally been able to win some cases, they have been able to marry. After World War II the Civil Rights Movement spread to other minority groups, such as women, and the LGBTQ groups, college students used the same tactics as the Civil Rights Movement such as sit-ins during the Vietnam