Essay On African American Slave Trade

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The slave trade of Africans began to flourish during the period of the Atlantic World for many reasons, because of this slavery had become an acceptable act in the eyes of various individuals. The events leading up to the use of African slaves and the start of racism all began with the Europeans. They had put in motion the colonizing of the Western Hemisphere or “The Americas,” as history later called them. When colonizing the Americas, Europeans gained a thriving amount of land that needed to be profited off of. The result of this was the demand for cheap labour; people who could work the land of someone without much of anything in return. When inhabiting the new land, Europeans discovered that people were already existent there, they called …show more content…

The Muslim rulers believed slavery could be justified as acceptable by their religious belief that ¨non-muslim prisoners of war could be bought and sold as slaves.¨ Adding to this fact, muslims also gave to their slaves a few legal rights and opportunities for social mobility, not only that but slaves could hold positions of power and impact. A major difference between the slave handling of Muslims and Europeans were the fact that Muslims allowed for slaves to escape slavery by marrying into the family they served for. Looking at that, Europeans treated their slaves far worse. Taking in the fact that the average African actually survived the voyage overseas to the Americas, they would be taken and auctioned off to bidders, then forced into working for the Europeans as domestic servants. Slaves would either farm the land or work in the mines, always staying out until sun up to sundown. Slaves carried zero rights, none were given to them as they were viewed as property. They also had no chance of freedom or escape, you were either captured and brought over or born into slavery, but either way there was no getting out. Although there was a loophole the Europeans accidentally gave the Africans to escaping slavery, and it was the idea that because they were not Christians it was okay to hold them as property, so they got up one day and started becoming Christians, but guess what, the Europeans just

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