Essay On Aids In Brazil

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The rate of HIV/AIDS is on the rise in the world; certain countries being affected more than others in many modes of transmission. Although the spread of HIV/AIDS has been attributed to sexual intercourse as a mode of transmission, the use of illicit drugs also has been identified as mode of transmission. With this, it has brought another set of issues to combat due to the fact that this is not only dealing with safe sex practices, but dealing with drugs issues and the transmission of HIV/AIDS. With this, it brings new challenges to address when combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic within countries such as Brazil. Areas which need to be considered when dealing when this mode of transmission is which drugs are being used, the method of using said …show more content…

Although a universal healthcare system is in place, it must also address issues dealing illicit drug use. When illicit drug is involved, it has created such high and unstable rates of HIV/AIDS in those areas with high drug use, specifically the usage of heroin 1. In Brazil, what needs to be addressed is the type of drugs being used with many instances being heroin and drugs which use needles which can then be shared increasing the chances of spreading disease and other diseases. By knowing which substances are being abused and attributed to the increase in rates, the issue then can be addressed and how and which programs can be implemented. Although knowing which substances are linked to the increased rates of HIV/AIDS, it is not always the case when addressing the issue. With drug use, it often goes unnoticed due to the negative outlook behind it. In certain cases, even with accessibility, drugs users are often shunned or find it difficult to obtain the help needed due to them being labeled as drug users 1. This is a major issue which needs to be addressed due to the fact that as a result of the difficulties in accessibility, it is halting certain populations from achieving