Functionalism Substance Abuse

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The term substance abuse is predominately used to signify an unhealthy and devitalizing obsession on a mind-altering chemical substance. In addition, it is most often used to refer to illegal drugs as well as legal, regulated substances such as prescription medications and alcohol. Drug abuse is usually considered a punishable offence by many countries and is also regarded as being personally and socially detrimental. Three major sociological paradigms including functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism delve in to the world of addiction as well as the controversies that surround this social issue. Functionalism Functionalism emphasizes how social structures maintain or undermine social stability in macrostructures (Brym, …show more content…

Therefore conflict theory defines substance abuse as primarily being a problem that is a result of structural inequality and class conflict. Corporations such as the LCBO and various pharmacies financially benefit the most from drug use and also obtain the power to keep it available. In response to political, social, and power inequality, political and business groups are able to influence society’s depiction of drugs and their users. Many substances were considered legal but public opinion and the law altered when drugs were associated with ethnic minorities and crime. Conflict theorists argue that marginalized groups, the lower class, and other alienated groups are more likely to suffer negative ramifications as a result of addiction. Although substance abuse is common throughout all classes of society, it is emphasized that minority groups are more likely to be targeted for crime associated with illegal substances. Also, they are more likely to be seen as outcasts and as a result are given harsher punishments than their counterparts from higher classes. For example, it is commonly thought that racial minorities and the lower class suffer from a higher statistic showcasing those with addictions. Furthermore, it is often thought that minority youths are more likely to become involved in selling drugs as a …show more content…

The balance between power and privilege is vital to any social issue that occurs. The class that has limited materials and representation in society are typically those who suffer the most. The inequality between classes exhibits and predicts the extent to which substance abuse is associated with race and economic disadvantage. Moreover, those of higher classes gain more opportunities due to their exposure of resources and good financial standing whereas those of a lower class do not gain the same opportunities and therefore fall victim to crime such as drug