Essay On American Culture

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What characterizes the current American culture? To unearth America’s highest priorities, one must understand that people naturally spend their resources into the things they value. Previously, people have fought for various purposes, such as equality and power, but those battles have lessened in the present. Today, United States citizens devote their lives to the advancement of technology, the preservation of the environment, and the liberality of freedom. The dilemma is how to preserve these ideas for people one hundred years from now. If only three objects could appear in the time capsule for this generation, an iPhone, an environmentalist promotion, and the Constitution would best inform future individuals of the worldview during this generation. …show more content…

Over two thirds of American citizens own a smartphone, and half of those owners claim that they could not survive without them. For instance, young people especially expend more time on their mobile devices than they sleep, generally communicating through texting, social media, or video calls. People in today’s culture behave like remote-controlled devices—willingly submitting to the authority of technology, ignorant of the fact that it governs their lives. In former ages, youth have invested their time into various domains such as music, education, and sports, but technology clearly characterizes the current lifestyle of most Americans. By including a recent iPhone in the time capsule of this generation, people in the next era will recognize the infatuation twenty-first century individuals possessed for technology.
A significant portion of American citizens frets about global warming and the preservation of the environment. In order to conserve resources, environmentalists have promoted inventions such as hand-drying air blowers, solar panels, and reusable shopping bags. Warnings about the dangers of fuel fumes as a cause for global warming From a secular viewpoint, the tangible world is the only world, so saving the environment takes the top priority. An environmentalist advertisement in this generation’s time capsule will notify future conservationists