Essay On American Exceptionalism

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Another reason why America is exceptional is their very diverse population which gives birth to their different labels compared to other international nations. According to Sellevold, “If we disregard the comparatively minute number of Native Americans , the US is entirely made up of the historically recent descendants of European and Asian immigrants, the descendants of African slaves, and, even more recent, immigrants from central America and the Caribbean” (Sellevold). This particular mix, unseen in any other nation is the reason why there are many different terms for the same terms. Groups of people in states decide on which term to use, a term that fits the characteristics and people of the state instead of the one that fits international …show more content…

That is why American Exceptionalism is not pure. However, one cannot say that even the bad aspects are completely bad. They do cause war and suffering in other countries. However, it also saves many lives in other countries. The important thing to maintain the goodness of American Exceptionalism is self-awareness, understanding and compassion. However, a country cannot survive on ideals because by doing so, it subjects its citizens to danger from other countries who do not care for kindness. So overall, America is a great nation, it has done for many other countries marvels no other nation has ever done for any other country. So when Jacobs Ron writes, “America is not a better country than any other. Its citizens and residents are as venal and as great as any others in any other part of the world” not only does he not give due credit to America but also abnegates credit to all its great citizen, many of whom spend countless amount of time of their lives keeping America’s special rules alive and helping other countries, and from another country says so (Ron). After all, as Sollevold says “For all their differences, […] [Americans shared that one brave idea [, equality, justice, and freedom for all], and that idea became the point around which they gathered. After two hundred years it is still the glue that keeps the nation together” (Sollevold). There are no other nations who have placed such