Essay On American Immigration

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People left their countries to move to America for many reasons. Starvation, religious persecution, and political persecution. They came to America, because America had jobs, some of their family was already in America, and America is the land of hopes and dreams. Both the free enterprise system, and immigration helped form America as we know it today, and were both part of the industrial revolution. Have you ever thought about what it is like to be an immigrant? To travel to another country with little money, not speaking the same language? To think about being deported and being separated from your family? Imagine how hard and frustrating this might be. Coming to a new country was hard, especially if you had no family or no place to live. When the immigrants stepped off the boat, they went into a huge building,put their luggage in a room and went up a huge staircase. A doctor then checked them. The doctor checked them for diseases like Trachoma, an eye disease or any mental disease. It’s not like now, that all the doctors are sanitary and wear gloves, they just stuck their fingers or a stick in the immigrant 's eyes. If they thought the immigrant needed further inspection, they would give them a chalk mark on their jacket. People who got chalk marks on their coats were petrified. They didn’t know …show more content…

It was called the Isle of Tears because the immigrants cried. They cried for many reasons. Because they might be deported. Or get separated from their families. Maybe they cried because of an illness. The immigrants also cried tears of joy. They made it to America, with their families. They were happy to be in America, safe and knowing everything will be okay. It was called the Isle of Hopes because people knew once they got to America, their hopes and dreams could come true. They will get a job and be able to be with their families. This is why Ellis Island is called the Isle of Tears and the Isle of