Essay On Animal Farm Power

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The more intelligent one is, the more power they have over others. In Animal Farm it is shown that the more intelligent one is, the more privileges they have over others. Napoleon and the other pigs are smarter than the other animals so they get treated better and are able to outsmart and brainwash the other animals into believing their lies. Just like Stalin brainwashed the Soviet Union only to get more and more power. Stalin convinced the Soviet Union that communism was for their own benefit, he did this by using propaganda and giving long speeches of all the great things that communism would bring. In George Orwell’s Aesop fable Animal Farm snowball, Benjamin, and squealer are used as symbols to show that the more intelligent you are the more easily you can obtain leadership and power over others.
Orwell uses snowball a symbol of Trotsky to symbolize …show more content…

Squealer many times had to convince, or lie to the other animals to make what Napoleon had done not seem so bad. Like when he stole the milk, or killed all those animals. Just like when Stalin used propaganda to convince people that what he wanted was good. Also when Boxer was taken to the knackers squealer said to all the animals ”the van had previously been property of the knackers and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon”(Orwell 125). In conclusion squealer is known to be very persuasive, and able to convince others of anything that he wants them to believe. Animal Farm, by George Orwell uses snowball, Benjamin, and squealer as a symbol of intelligence. Snowball is smarter than the other animals and he shows it by convincing them to believe whatever he says. Benjamin is known to be very old and wise but he chooses to stay out of all the matters of Animal Farm. Squealer is able to convince all the animals of anything, or change how they see things. Like it is said he can make you believe black is