Essay On Anna Garcia

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Anna Garcia, a 38 year old woman, was found dead in the entry hallways of her home on August 14. The night before her death she was seen with her former husband, Alex Garcia. While there were no obvious witnesses, the site of death was considered a crime scene for quite some time. As the team tries to piece clues together, there is a series of events that were taken place. When the investigation began it involved finding fingerprints, blood type, shoe print, hair, unknown substances/all substances, blood spatter, and DNA. Most of the tests were evident but, others were not. During all the various tests being experimented, it led to obvious suspects of the crime scene. Fingerprints. At the crime scene there was a glass of orange juice, this …show more content…

There was a trickle of blood from the coffee able to Anna and a pool of blood under her mouth. During this test, the team had to pay very close attention to the simulated blood. In small bottles there was blood from each suspect of the crime scene, along with Anti-A Serum and Anti-B Serum. Two drops of blood were placed in the “A” well and the “B” well. Once the blood was dropped, the Anti-A and Anti-B Serum was dropped in the correctly labeled wells. If the blood clumped when Serum was added a “+” was placed in the chart, if it did not clump a “-“ went in the chart. Knowing if the blood clumped or not helped determine the person’s blood type. Anna had no “-“ with Anti-A Serum and “+” with Anti-B Serum, we determined that she had B blood as well as Erica Piedmont. When experimenting on the crime scene blood, the team came to a conclusion that it was also B blood. As a result we knew that Anna Garcia and Erica Piedmont have the same blood as the crime scene. Shoeprint. The team had to analyze the shoeprint found at the crime scene. There were a series of picture of all the suspects’ shoes they were wearing the night of the crime. During the analysis, the crime scene shoe print and Anna’s had very similar designs. Since the picture of Anna’s shoe was reliably similar, we could rule out all other suspect’s. At the end of the experiment, we came to the assumption that it was Anna’s shoeprint at the crime

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