Essay On Arab Americans

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This paper discusses the vulnerable population the Arabs Americans. The detail address is their immigration in the United States and how many groups with in the Arab community came over. The history of their progress in living as an American through the societal stereotypes, wars and conflicts between countries. Finally, what laws, organizations are in place to help aid this community. This paper will show how the government is making head way in building the relationship between this communities and ensuring their American Freedom.

Arabs have been immigrating into the United States since the 1880’s. Arab-speaking countries are found southwestern Asia and North Africa. There are 22 Arab countries, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen to list a few. Their heritage can be dated back a thousand years old. Arab Immigrants arrived to the United States in three …show more content…

Even as they introduced their culture they still identified themselves as Americans. During World War II, Arabs served in the military, feeling it was their duty as American citizens. They were proud to be an American and willing to serve their country. In the 1960s, a new group of Arab immigrants came to United States. This occurred after the government lifted the nationality-based immigration quotas (Hakim-Larson).
During the 1950s to 1980s, Arabs Americans faced stereotypes surrounding the media. Media items such as school texts, novels, magazines, newspapers, comic strips, television, cartoons, and novelty merchandise. These dehumanized the Arabs and protruded them as the bad guys. All this was in support of Israeli conflicts with the Arabs. For example media like The Washington Post, The Washington Star, The Miami News and many more shows Arabs in a negative ways like rodents, cockroaches or other things as

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