Work Of Art Essay

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What do you think about a work of art? Is there something that recognize a painting or sculpture that can be compared to an object in the natural world? Or is there a cultural belief that can change art? However, this doesn't mean that we should abandon all attempts at artistic criticism, just that we need to accept that our answers will always be deficient in some shape or form. For example, I specialize in painting, drawing, and sculpture, and so I don't believe that the criteria I propose below would transfer well to a judgment of other artistic mediums such as literature or dance. It is also important to mention that the development of one’s own artistic judgment and taste is a personal road of discovery that can only be undertaken through prolonged individual effort, and be built upon your own personal experiences. What can and can't be considered as art? Art is created to make you feel something. Whether …show more content…

People says that there's no such thing as good taste is that means there's no such thing as good art. If the people who looking in the art is appreciate and get the true idea or concept of that work it would have better taste than people who didn't. So if you not get the idea or recognize the meaning of one art or if you discard taste, you also have to discard the idea of art being good. And if you look to an art work, you will be able to makes some differences and create a simply comparison to the other works. Art is powerful, not because of its beauty or artist who make it, it gives emotion, making political statements, or challenge to give some opinion or ideas. Good art, explores new subjects, or old subjects that hasn’t been done before. And when you look in one art, ask yourself what is the difference or the uniqueness of that art into the other works that you’ve seen. If you do notice something different. And think if that unique quality distracts from or enhances the