Essay On Art Therapy And Trauma

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This study regarding art therapy and trauma was conducted in order to test the effectiveness of this type of therapy in situations regarding trauma histories. The authors tested the connection between trauma histories and substance abuse, and provided information on the various ways that these have been treated. Art therapy was used in this study; it allows more access to a patient’s thoughts than talk therapy will. This study was conducted on a Caucasian woman who participated in group art therapy for substance abuse issues. The authors observed the woman at these group therapy sessions. This woman hoped to change her alcohol use and used the birth of her child as motivation. At the first session this woman attended she drew an image that …show more content…

The authors recorded that during the third session she became more willing to interact in the group discussion and with the other group members. It was also reported that at first the woman would make images she had seen in magazines, but by the fourth session she began to create images that depicted herself. In this session she also began to recall childhood memories through a drawing of her childhood home, more specifically secondary trauma through sexual abuse, and how sexual abuse had changed the way she recalled her childhood memories. The woman admitted to avoid this topic and to use alcohol as a way to avoid this topic and any feelings or thoughts that may be related to it. The art therapy program allowed the woman to shift from not wanting to disclose information regarding herself to being eager to share this information; she admitted that in talk therapy she was able to manipulate the conversation in order to avoid certain topics and that was something she couldn’t do in art therapy. The authors reported that there were some things that limited the success of this study. One of these things was that they only focused on one patient, this meant that the results gathered cannot be generalized. Another thing that limited the