Essay On Australian Comedy

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By line: Reviewer Miss Tyla Sheehan exploits the humour of Australian Comedy.
Thesis/ Beginning Statements: Australia is a pretty unique country and it’s often said that we have an unusual sense of humour, in which could well be because we are very distinctive in many ways.
Australian comedy or Australian hum or refers to the comedy and humour performed in or about Australia or by the people of Australia. Australian humour can be traced to various origins, and today is manifested in a diversity of cultural practices and pursuits.
Australian humour has a long history that can be traced back to our origins as convict colonies. It is therefore no surprise that a national sense of humour quickly developed that responded to those conditions. …show more content…

Is it because it’s so hilarious that Australians are being portrayed in a way that is incorrect and other viewers actually believe that’s how all Australians act?
I thinks it’s because of the way us Australians are perceived through the use of comedy in various series, the way Australians are portrayed through Australian comedy is wrong and while you are sitting there watching it as an Australian you just begin laughing because it’s so funny to think that people watch this and actually believe that that is how all Australians act, speak and carry themselves. Some Australian viewers may find Australian comedy offensive, so if you do than just don’t watch it.
Australian comedy interprets us Australians in a way that isn’t true, and is quite offensive. For Aussies to be watching this comedy makes us laugh because it’s funny to think that people actually believe this is how we behave, and carry ourselves. Resulting in Australians to be just a joke, not everyone takes us seriously. This can be very bad in some circumstances. (Going for a job interview overseas; people may not take us seriously and can just laugh at us because they have seen Australian Comedy and have seen to believe that is how all Australians act). It’s