10 Food Potentially Prevent Avian Influenza
About a decade ago, we've confused by the avian influenza virus. Avian influenza in poultry was first reported in 2003. Next case of avian influenza (H5N1) in humans was first reported in June 2005 (1). Since avian influenza virus can infect humans, concerns deepened about it. Scientists are racing to do research for a vaccine or cure for avian influenza. We expected vaccines or drugs can prevent or treat poultry and humans are already infected with this deadly virus. Good news came from South Korea. Research conducted by scientists at the Faculty of Microbiology, Seoul National University, South Korea, have shown encouraging results. They found that kimchi, Korean style pickled vegetables, able to fight the virus that causes avian influenza in poultry. Research done by providing a liquid extract of kimchi to
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Endang Rahayu S., lecturer of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Indonesia, said that one of Indonesian traditional food containing probiotics is tape ketan. These foods should be stored in cold temperatures to maintained lactic acid bacteria. This was revealed at a national seminar probiotics and prebiotics as functional food on the campus of the University of Udayana, Bukit Jimbaran, which was conducted in August 2004.(18) Lactic acid bacteria in the tape ketan has a positive effect on the digestive tract, as well as other probiotics. The good bacteria contained in tape ketan can suppress pathogenic bacteria in the intestine causing diarrhea, lowering serum cholesterol and lowering the risk of coronary heart.(17) Of course there are many other fermented foods that could potentially prevent the spread of avian influenza. Some of them are Japanese miso soup, kombucha tea, pickles and controversial poi from Hawaii.(19) Some fermented foods mentioned above may be less well known to the world. Growol, gatot, dadih, tempoyak and tape ketan is a traditional food that we can meet in