The National Honor Society is built upon four founding principles: Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service. I have a high school life filled with dedication to these four principles on the Spiritual standpoint, the Familial level, the Community level and finally at the National level. Moreover, I did begin my dedication to these same four principles even before this starting with the Boy Scouts of America and this commitment will continue along with having a rich future when I reach my fullest potential. I firmly believe that to have academic excellence is giving your best effort to maintain not just having straight As and a high GPA at or close to the edge of attaining a 4.0, but to also have the skills that help you perform your very best in college and beyond. To recap, it is having a well-rounded education with just the right academics and activities best suited to your
National Junior Honors Society Essay By: Megan Pacchioli I am very excited by the opportunity to represent my school as a member of the National Junior Honors Society. Both in and out of school I support the Five Pillars of the NJHS, which are scholarship, service, citizenship, character, and leadership. I represent these five pillars by my grades and academic achievements in school, my dedication to my church, my dojo, and my soccer team. As well as taking part in my communities activities, being a responsible person, and manifesting my leadership on the court/field out of school.
Becoming a Member of National Technical Honor Society I have many characteristics that would make me an amazing part of the National Technical Honor Society. I have always been a hard worker. I push myself to help my community, work many different jobs with families, I work with bigger companies, and get mostly A’s in school. I always try my hardest to find different ways to involve myself in my community at school.
It is a great honor to be nominated as a member of the National Honor Society. There are many reasons why I want to take part in NHS. One reason why I want to be in it is to continue to grow academically with people who have the same goals as me. I want to be encouraged, not discouraged by the people around me. If I get into NHS, it will give me a lot of opportunities to be a leader.
The five pillars of the National Junior Honors Society have greatly affected my middle school experience. Throughout my three years here at Wisdom Lane I have strived to use the pillars as a way of my school life. Inside and outside of school I have strived to widen my educational path by using different programs and doing great in my classes. I have always attempted to go above and beyond in what I do and in my relationships with others. I have made many friends and have learned a lot about them in the amount of time given.
The first reason for why I want to be in National Junior Honor Society is because it just seems like it is exciting . You know helping the community and doing event that I don’t think that I would do or just ever go on my spare time . Plus it is also a chance to meet new people and make more friends . The second reasons is because in the message it states “Membership is prestigious, and only the brightest and most studious get to apply.” So this makes me think this is important and not everyone can just enter and apply .This was also given to a handful amount of people .
National Junior Honor Society is the start of everything. This group helps set me up for my years to come. Being in the NJHS it helps me get into the one in high school, which looks really good one college applications. Having national junior honor society for both middle school and high school would give me a better chance to get into a college I really want to get into. I’ve always wanted to be someone who could help or make a change in this world, instead of just trying to get through life easy.
Joining the National Junior Honor Society is an opportunity I am excited to take part in. I think this experience would be a great addition to my life and could help me become the best version of myself in many ways. I would be an asset to the NJHS community because I show the traits and have met the criteria listed in the application packet. For my academic achievements, all of my elementary school years, I participated in the Gifted and Talented program.
It is an honor to be nominated for the National Honor Society. The fact that I was nominated proves to me that all of my hard work and dedication has not been for nothing. The National Honor Society is known for recognizing students who strive to achieve their best not only in school but in themselves and the community. I believe that I’m one of those students. Based upon my last two year at Matawan Regional I now have a 3.9 GPA and am ranked in the top 20% of my graduating class.
Hard working, positive and charitable: these are a few of many things I work to be in my everyday life. I set high moral standards for myself and am always looking for ways that I can help the people around me. I believe in being the best one can be. I demonstrate the qualities of a National Junior Honors Society member at school, home and in my community by staying positive, hard working, and always eager to help others and take the lead. Not only do I show compassion and charity, but I also value a good work ethic and success in school.
Dear the National Honor Society selection committee, Thank you for the great honor of being invited to apply for membership to such a well-respected and incredible organization. I am very excited about this opportunity as it presents an optimal way in which to further my passion of expanding my mind and bettering my community. Since I entered high school, I have pursued this by taking all honors classes and any Advanced Placement classes offered to me each year. Although sometimes I was not always entirely sure what to expect walking into each class, and of course there have been classes I like more than others, there is no class I regret taking because each and every one has opened my mind up to a new way of thinking.
I am extremely honored to be eligible for this opportunity to apply for the National Honor Society. Becoming a member of the National Honor Society has been a goal I set for myself since I was a student in middle school. I have been greatly looking forward to this moment for a very long time. Overall, I have worked incredibly hard these last two years to display a positive character and obtain qualities such as leadership, responsibility, and scholarship. I strongly believe I will be a productive and reliable member of the National Honor Society at Harvard H. Ellis Technical High School.
The National Honor Society is based off of four pillars; Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Scholarship is one of the most important pillars to me. Scholarship means not only doing well in school and getting good grades, but applying what I have learned and using it everyday. I know the importance of education and feel that I am a lifelong learner. I feel very fortunate to have been raised in a family where education is a priority.
I will make sure to do my part by leading by example, serving my community and school, staying true to myself, and performing in school to the best of my ability. It would be an honor to be a part of such an extraordinary program in which I can better myself and my community. I am so thankful to the many teachers who have considered me as a candidate for the National Honor Society. As I aspire to become a member of this organization, I will make it my duty to be an active member in my community and will maintain my leadership, service, character, and scholarship
National Honor society was established to recognize outstanding high school students. National Honor society recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of academic success, leadership, character and service. I should be in National Honor Society because I think I represent a lot of the qualities needed to be in this organization. Throughout my years in high school, I have been very involved in the band program here at Langham Creek. As a freshman, I started out in Concert 2 band.