Graduation Speech: Prejudice And Racism

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According to the English Dictionary, the definition of a human is: A being, whether man, woman or child. Take note of this. In this definition, it does not state a human is white, nor black. It does not declare that a human is entirely Australian. It does not assert that humans all enjoy one particular interest. It simply states "A being, whether man, woman or child". We are all humans, are we not? and humans were created to experience life however we desire to, but our dreams may not be hindered by racism, sexism, and background based decisions ending our hopes. In my collage, you may notice worldwide known football legend, David Beckham, securing a trophy in the palms of his hands, and on his opposing side, you may additionally remark the …show more content…

He was a footballer who was forced to prevail with discrimination and prejudice (basically racism) and the fact that he acknowledged having suffered racial remarks on the field is a point of inflection in his trajectory. …show more content…

Also, in my jersey design, you shall notice various foods from multiple backgrounds which do not appear and resemble other food-related images. These resemble assorted foods and drinks from all across the globe being appreciated by other cultures and individuals from other regions.
The scale weighing the two characters equally is a symbol of equality and if observed at from a distinct perspective, it can be portrayed as both genders, both races obtaining corresponding rights and jurisdictions within court and law, yet again determining that we are alike as one. The Black Panther image is included as the movie franchise showcases contentions for the need to regard race as a central mover in international politics and the need to confront racial inequality as a primary issue, which perhaps, is the primary issue in world politics.
I included both gender symbols to showcase the literal truth, boys and girls are different. Differences relate to diversity, which therefore emphasises the point that we are all diverse, even if we don't know

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