The Benefits of Volunteering
Inevitably disaster strikes all over the world, no one know when, where, or how it is going to happen, but it is going to no matter what. No one on the face of the Earth has the power to stop a natural disaster from happening, but it would be nice of someone could. Unfortunately ninety percent of the time when a disaster occurs the victims are not prepared at all. All of the newfound trauma that has been introduced to the now victims of a natural disaster is completely overwhelming. All hope is lost, or so it feels, once a natural disaster makes its mark on something, but volunteers help bring hope back into the world with quite a few life changing benefits.
After a natural disaster has occurred, some
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This can be supported by, “A study at Johns Hopkins University in 2009, revealed that volunteers actually increased their brain functioning.Volunteer activities get you moving and thinking at the same time!” (“Health Benefits of Volunteering”). People who volunteer are helping themselevs by keeping an open mind and being prepared to face any kind of challege tha just so happens to be thrown his or her way. By facing any kind of challenge in the world of volunteering, people stay mentally and physically aware of their surroundings and are quick to offer help when it is needed keeping them mentally and physically active. A person’s mental and physical health can be improved once they face and overcome certain obstacles.When a mental or physical challenge arises for someone, they may feel a sense of discouragement and even defeated. When people volunteer it is very wise to keep an open mind and heart for any of the truama and damage they might be possibly witnessing so they do not become freaked out or frightened by what they see. But once they overcome the challenge, they feel satisfied with their accomplishment. After they have accomplished something that may have seemed impossible, the next time a similar challenge happens to come up they will feel a sense of confidence thus creating them to stay mentally and physically active by being aware of the situation.