Essay On Bruce Banner

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As a child bruce was exposed to domestic abuse and a harsh environment. Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Bruce’s mother loved him with all her heart, she showed it by dealing with his father 's rage. Bruce’s father Dr. Brian banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source. Brian was afraid some of the radiation was rubbing off on his son. Bruce’s dad was becoming more and more in afraid and in belief that he was right, because Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age. Brian became abusive to his son and when his mother tried to stop the abuse, Brian murdered her in cold blood. Brian frightened Bruce to keep quiet about the murder, but he was …show more content…

Although These two hate each other, they depend on each other. The Hulk hates bruce banner hates banner because he is weak, but Hulk cannot let him die because Hulk will die too. Banner is constantly chased by the military and super humans that want to capture or destroy him, This is why bruce relies depends on the hulk to keep him alive. While both despising each other 's existence, they at the same time find comfort in each other’s unique abilities. Bruce banner cannot die as long as he and the hulk are one. For example Bruce has tried to kill himself before by shooting himself in the head and didn 't work because the hulk spit it out. Later these two become tolerant of each other and become even stronger. Because they have mutual respect for each other, bruce is able to transform at will. On the contrary the hulk let 's banner transform back into himself, helping each other become safer and calmer. They later become liked and prefered in battle by other superheroes because the hulk isn 't a mindless monster anymore. These two have very different opinions and views. At the beginning they had an internal battle with each other because each one believed they were more fit to control the body. What makes these guys stronger is the fact that they let each other control the body equally, which helps each one use their abilities to the fullest. Instead of fighting the enemy and having an internal