Argumentative Essay: The Star Spangled Banner

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The Star-Spangled Banner was recognized for official use by the U.S in 1889. Since then it has been something widely respected in the U.S. Recently though people have began kneeling or refusing to stand during the Star Spangled banner. Kneeling during the national anthem should not be allowed. Some athletes have done this as a form of protest in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement. But this is a form of disrespect towards this country and its armed forces. As well as an unnecessary risk, because although others claim that this is a form of peaceful protest many have gotten death threats, and that is not peaceful at all. It is a great act of disrespect towards the country and its military service to kneel during the national anthem. Many veterans as well as family from deceased soldiers have spoken up about their thoughts on the subject. Terry Minarik, an ex-infantryman with two purple hearts that served in Vietnam …show more content…

I just wish these people had a better way to protest their feelings. Kneeling during the anthem insinuates that my deceased husband who died for our country was racist and that my current husband is engaged in police brutality. Neither is true."(Liewer) Here we see that besides it offending our armed forces it is also offending the memory of those who gave their lives for this country and for our flag. Consequently also offending those who have lost a loved one because they were defending this country. Now those family members feel like the memory of their loved ones is being disrespected when people kneel during the national anthem. Family members of those who have died while serving are hurt by what these athletes are doing. Kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful to all of the good people who are fighting for our country and to those who have died while doing so and aside from that the people kneeling are putting themselves and their families at