Essay On Canada Becoming A Mixed Economy

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Do you think Canada should become a market economy? I am going to discuss my opinion on Canada becoming a market economy. Personally I don't think that we should, but this is also just my opinion. In my first paragraph I am going to talk about a Market Economy, mainly the advantages and disadvantages. Then in the second paragraph it will be about Mixed economy and their advantages and disadvantages. Then finally in the third paragraph I am going to state my opinion and why I think that. A Market economy has many advantages but also has lots of disadvantages. The main advantage is probably individualism, that always is not an advantage though. Some people want to have government involved but in a market economy you don't and will not. Personally if I was old enough to have to deal with government I would want them to be involved some way or another. But since there is advantages there obviously has to be disadvantages. The disadvantages in a Market economy are pretty big and can really mess things up. Examples are, There is a very large gap between the rich and the poor. You don't really want that in a community or economy. Since there is such a huge …show more content…

That would be a Mixed economy. If you are wondering what a mixed economy is, I am going to explain it for you. A Mixed economy is just a Command economy and a Market economy put together. You should know what a Market economy is and a Command economy is an economy that is completely ran by the government. Anyways let's get to the main part of this paragraph. In my opinion I think that a Mixed economy is way better than a Market or Command economy. The main advantage of a Mixed economy in my opinion would be the cooperation of the government and the citizens. And on the other hand the biggest disadvantage would be that there are higher taxes because the government is actually involved. There is also another disadvantage that is bad also, there is still homeless and