Essay On Chaos Theory

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It is often seen inbuilt in human nature, the habit of blaming things on others, one they are not able to succeed in achieving the goals they set for themselves. One can get similar reactions from various people who are working in a startup, once their startup is on the verge of failing. They tend to blame each other for the failure, different departments show their dissatisfaction about the way the other departments are functioning, and at the end, they refuse to face the actual reasons that lead to their failure of their startup. In today's world, we can see that, out of millions of startups being established each day, there are only a few that are able to mark themselves as the successful ones. The most highlighted reasons why the rest of …show more content…

It is a mathematical toolkit that allows us to extract beautifully ordered structures from a sea of chaos - a window into the complex workings of such diverse natural systems as the beating of the human heart and the trajectories of asteroids. Welcome to one of the most marvelous fields of modern mathematics. At the center of Chaos Theory is the fascinating idea that order and chaos are not always diametrically opposed. Chaotic systems are an intimate mix of the two: from the outside they display unpredictable and chaotic behavior, but expose the inner workings and you discover a perfectly deterministic set of equations ticking like clockwork. Chaos theory isn't something to be exploited for application. It doesn't represent some mathematical or scientific discovery that can be used in novel ways. Instead, it represents a set of techniques for analyzing dynamical systems that are deterministic (i.e., they follow apparently simple rules that lead to behaviors which depend only upon their initial conditions) and yet very sensitive to perturbations of input. Consequently, advances in understanding certain classes of these systems lead to advances in either understanding the physical world or designing technology that interfaces with such