Essay On Charter Of Rights And Freedoms

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The Charter Of Rights and Freedoms How does the Charter Of Right and Freedoms protect Canadians as an individual? The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects Canadian citizen's rights and fundamental freedoms. The intellect of the Charter is to aid Canadian citizens from being treated differently in their own country. The three main fundamental rights and freedoms that all Canadians are entitled to that are in the Charter include Mobility rights, Fundamental rights and Equality rights. We have Mobility rights to make sure any citizen is able to move freely in Canada, which means you can live and work anywhere you want in Canada. If we didn’t have this we would be stuck living and working where the government wants us. Many Canadians believe if we didn’t have this we would be put where the government wants us and where they want us to work, which would be completely unfair because if you have an interest in something …show more content…

It also states we have the right of thought, belief, opinion and expression. The only thing about this is that you can not cuss while saying your belief. We also have the Freedom of the press and media. With this if you don’t want you or your child’s name in the news. Our last Fundamental Freedom we have is that we have the right of peaceful assembly. This way you can meet as a group as long as it doesn’t affect others out of the group. Many citizens believe this is wonderful to have because not everyone wants to do wrong in the world and meet with friends that have the same interests. One example that sticks out is in 1876 when the Canadian government passed the Indian Law making sure First Nations people, are required to ask the government to wear traditional clothing, they banned Traditional Ceremonies, such as the Sundance of the Siksika. It also prevented them to take any political