
Essay On Chemotherapy

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o Chemotherapy: the use of cytotoxic chemicals
Surgery is the most frequently employed breast cancer treatment. It is best used when the cancer is small and has not moved to other parts of the body. Radiation therapy is employed in approximately half of all breast cancer cases. It’s often used in combination with other treatment options. Chemotherapy is most often used when the cancer has spread or when it is thought the tumor needs to be reduced in size prior to surgery. Chemotherapy is often used in combination with radiation therapy and surgery in an attempt to prevent recurrence or control tumor growth. Three other types of conventional medical treatments are: o Hormonal: manipulation of your body’s natural hormones o Immunotherapy: enhancement of the body’s own immune function o Investigative: experimental programs
These are all questionable treatment options for [policy funding by the national …show more content…

Massive funding is needed for cancer research and development. This is the story of this narrative. The notion of policy as the savior for breast cancer research, so are the interest groups and organizations that help to shape policymaking. Many organizational goals are shaped by the specific situations, and problems that surrounds it at the present time. Different kinds of policies are going to affect the political process in different ways. Policies provide greater leeway than rules do. Rather than specifying a particular and specific behavior, policies allow employees to use discretion but within limited boundaries. The discretion is created by including judgmental terms (such as best, satisfied, competitive), which the employee is left to interpret. Policies need not be written to control discretion. Employees pick up on an organizations’ implied policies merely by observing the actions of members around

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