Essay On Civil Disobedience

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The biggest idea shared by Americans throughout history is the ability to express freedom of speech, religion, and the many other things that we as Americans enjoy. One of the greatest things the founding fathers of this country did for its people allows for the peaceful protest - a form of civil disobedience. The act entails breaking a law in a non-violent way to invoke change upon the disagreed law. Doing so should always be non-violent; other means are not legal nor are they ethical, and that causes more problems than it fixes. Overall, civil disobedience via peaceful protest positively affects a free society because it is what created the United States in the first place; It has kept America on the right path in regard to ethical decisions and continues to affect how we live the American dream. From the start, the United States has always been in …show more content…

Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. His election tore a rift in the country’s citizenship, as Trump’s ethics can be viewed as extreme or unrealistic. These beliefs have caused numerous outbreaks of anti-Trump protests. All citizens have a right to stand against him, however, when citizens begin to express their opinion by way of violence, as seen in some recent events, it causes fear that one’s belief may cause harm to come to you; this is not American behavior. No citizen of this country should have to stand in fear of harm because of their beliefs, whether low, middle or high class. This is where the line is drawn for civil disobedience: when it is no longer civil. These types of violent protests have happened many times over the past few years for more reasons than just the election of Trump, but this recent event is a good indicator of where we stand as a nation. It is the duty of the citizens to stand up for their God-given, constitutional rights, and using peaceful protest respectfully can cause the change that people want without creating chaos and

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