Essay On Corporateville

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The passage argues that Supercorp's decision to move its headquarters to Coporateville is the best they could have made. This argument is made based off of the assumption that an increase in homeowners to a certain town is what makes one town superior to another. However, the observance of an influx of homeowners to Corporateville could be due to a variety of factors imcluding, but not limited to the possibility that Corporateville has cheaper homes, that the job market is better in Corporateville, or that there are merely more homes available in Corporateville. While some of these may be in support of corporateville being superior, they do not necessarily mean that. For instance, if the reasoning behind the surge of homeowners was due to the …show more content…

However, because the nature of corporateville is unspecified, it is based on the assumption that Corporateville is not an urban town. Additionally, although it states that Supercorp employees would prefer to live in an area that is not urban, it does not mention if there is an area that employees would dislike even more than an urban area. If Corporateville turned out to be one of these, the employees may be unhappy. Thirdly, the passage uses the lower taxes in Coroporateville as another example of what makes the town superior, because it assumes that lower taxes mean that the town is cheaper. However, it does not take into account the possbility that although the taxes may be lower, the prices of living neccessities may actually be higher complared to Middleburg. If Middleburg has greater access to certain imports, it may be possible that Middleburg is, in fact, the cheaper town. Finally, the passage states that lower taxes make Corporateville "...not only a safer place, but also a cheaper one," assuming that lower taxes are correlated with lower tax