Dental Problems During Pregnancy Research Paper

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Dental problems during pregnancy, is it safe to do root canal during pregnancy?
Have you ever thought your dental problem can be equally harmful to your baby? It is necessary to take better care of your gums and teeth during pregnancy. There are many hormonal changes while you are pregnant because these changes promote the risk of germinating gum disease that can also affect the growth of your baby.
During pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your good oral health even after pregnancy it is equally important to keep up the better oral health.
There are the tips given below that will help you to approach good oral health during pregnancy and after too.
Dental care before pregnancy:
The better preparation always brings the better result, make sure you are enough aware of your dental care before you get pregnant. You need to make the dental appointment so that if you have oral health problems …show more content…

Your eating may promote the cavity problem as if you intake carbohydrates more than usual lead to decay.
There are other reasons also that make you fall into the dental problem during pregnancy that includes morning sickness, tender gums, and exhaustion, a more sensitive gag reflex.
Tumors during pregnancy:
While you are pregnant may experience the overgrowth of tissues which seem on the gum that is also called pregnancy tumor. It is just swelling that happens most often between teeth usually during the second trimester “it is not cancer”. They bleed easily and appear like red. They are often disappearing after the birth of your baby, but if it does not you need to consult with your dentist.
Root canal during pregnancy:
This is the necessary treatment required by many pregnant women. Pregnant women are more prone to dental infections and dental pulp disorder. Poor hygiene and improper oral health care affect your baby’s growth. If you have oral health issue then root canal treatment is a mandatory course of

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